Watch this very short and clear summary explaining how the Pruzbul works
Time Remaining to submit online:
One of the laws of Shmitah is that all loans/debts (business or otherwise) are automatically nullified at the end of the Shmitah year (this year at sundown on Sept 25, 2022)
The Pruzbol document acts as a mechanism to transfer the loans/debts to the Beis Din for collection, who in turn empower the lender to collect the money as their agent. This facilitates the collection of debts even after the end of the Shmitah year
There is a special mitzvah, that any man or woman who wishes to collect loans/debts even after the Shmitah year (5782) ends, must make a Pruzbol before Rosh Hashana 5783
Time is over
The Pruzbul was submitted to beis din
שנה טובה ומתוקה